These features make the software a very versatile tool used across the whole industry - from architecture and mechanical engineering to landscape and interior design, from designing simple 3D printable models to creating 3D models for video games. Some extensions make organic modeling more efficient, the others make 2D editing tools more powerful (although the native 2D tools are already quite advanced compared to many other CAD programs). The aforementioned plug-in system is impressive and significantly extends its functional. You can learn the basics quickly and print your first model within hours after downloading SketchUp. It also manages to be rather intuitive and beginner-friendly. It’s a very powerful 3D modeling software. The range of its abilities is extremely wide, the software is very popular and the community as well as the amount of available plugins for SketchUp are impressive. SketchUp is a commercial 3D modeling CAD software developed by Trimble. Well, the free version of SketchUp exists, but there are certain points worth addressing. But asking this question directly is much more simple than providing an answer. But it costs money, so many people want to know if there exists a free version. If you already own “Woodworker’s Guide to SketchUp” visit this page to request your free update as a download.SketchUp is very popular and its functionality is amazing. It’s a great way to learn, and easy to use as a reference. The new file still contains bookmarks that link to chapters, topics within each chapter and all of the videos. In many cases, a quick look at the video is the best way to refresh your memory about how to perform a task. You can also enlarge the online player to make it easier to see and use. This isn’t quite as neat and tidy as it used to be, but the online videos have a controller that allows you to pause, rewind and control the volume. I have uploaded all 51 videos from this book to this website, and added links within the book to each one. Adobe may be willing to leave their customers hanging, but I can’t do that. It took me a while to realize that Adobe was not working on a solution to find an alternative controller for the embedded videos to function in a PDF document.

There have been some updates to SketchUp after publication, but the content is still relevant and valuable. Thousands of people have learned to make 3D models of their woodworking projects using this guide. The videos still existed, and still played, but the visible controller vanished into the ether. That changed when Adobe decided that Flash had reached its “end of life”. In the earlier versions of this work, the 51 videos embedded in the text played nicely within the PDF in Adobe Acrobat Reader. After a good deal of trial and tribulation, an updated version of “Woodworker’s Guide to SketchUp” is now available with links to online videos.